Picnic Wines

Sometimes, it’s all a bit much. In wine, as in life, it can all get a bit heavy. Where do I want to be in 5 years…? These wines are the antithesis to the 5-year question. Who cares. What I know now, is that I need to be sitting on the green grass, looking up at the bright blue sky, basking in the sun’s warm golden glow with a glass of something that’s just not that serious.
These wines are typically quirky blends, not always, but usually – but who cares. They’re light and breezy, delicious, smashable, quaffable, shareable and won’t leave you with that “morning after” regret, having left the bottle unopened at your mate’s place. Not too heavy on the hip pocket, but also kind of cool, so when your mate opens the bottle you left, you’ll get a few extra points of street cred for having a Somm’s palate on a student budget.
Current release: NV hECK Home Blend (Tempranillo, Pinot Noir, Shiraz and Rosé)