Fundamentally, I love to create and I want my life to be ‘of the land’. I want to capture the life that this land supports, creates and nurtures and wine is my vehicle.
I’m a touch romantic, my mind wanders back in time – back to when life was a little slower, a little simpler and we enjoyed things a little more. I want to create from the land; create wines that allow people to slow down and enjoy at their most important, special and intimate moments.
My core range aims to capture history, elegance, lineage and grace in a bottle. Each year I aim to bring a sense of balance to these wines, to improve quality, to let the wine speak of its expression of place and heritage. They are of deep importance to me; I want them to be compelling.
My regional range is my space to let my creative flare play with regionality, variety, technique and off-centre ideas to bring excitement and energy to the bottle. These wines speak of Place, People and Play and maybe a little more “nouveau”, although not always the case.
My hope is always that my wines create a sense of anticipation, that the last taste was good enough to excite the drinker, to anticipate the next chapter – it’s my life’s journey, I hope people might enjoy joining me for the ride.